Friday, March 31, 2006
H5N1 Bird Flu Scares Aids Orphans!
In Ethiopia the kids are not afraid of catching Avian Flu but more concerned that many of them will lose their source of income! This young fellow came to St. Lucy Center when he was just six years old. He was joined by his only living relative, his 3 year old brother. Sister started him on selling six eggs at a time. He now has his own house and a yard full of chicks that are able to support the two of them in good style. Many children are living off their own microenterprises.
What can one person do to help halfway across the world?
Perhaps you have some ideas of your own to help others get started!
God bless you.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Doing it all -School, house, the kids and yet a kid!
These girls are all under 18 years of age and have the responsibilities of a grown adult. Both parents have died from AIDS. Many are taking care of three or four siblings, the house, cooking, going to school and working! Yet they have a smile and can break out into a song and dance with little coaxing!
It was not always this way. Most of these girls when they arrived at St. Lucy Center with their siblings were starving with no place to live and no education.
You can help us in so many ways. Go to
and join us in keeping the smiles on the faces of these children!
God bless you.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Happy Spring! Next time you put on a clean clothes say a prayer for these children.
It's easy to help these children just call 973-538-2886 and say you would like to help the children of the missions of the Religious Teachers Filippini.
Friday, March 17, 2006
It's a Small World!
Have a great St. Patrick's Day!
God bless you.
Sr. Mary Beth
For more information concerning our work please email me at
or mail a contribution to:
Religious Teachers Filippini Mission Fund
455 Western Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07960
100% of your gift goes to the children - I promise!
The Religious Teachers Filippini The Religious Teachers Filippini is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Protect the Girls
After my mother died, I went to my mother's mother. In 2001, she died, so I stopped school. . . . Then we went to my auntie, my mom's younger sister. . . . Most girls find that they start keeping up with [having sex with] stepfathers or uncles. Most are raped. They have no say. They think if you bring them to the police, there will be no one to keep me. So they keep quiet. -Patricia M., age sixteen from Human Rights Watch interview, Lusaka, Zambia May 22, 2002
Through girls' own testimonies, this report shows sexual assault of girls in Zambia in the era of HIV/AIDS to be widespread and complex. It documents several categories of abuse that heighten girls' risk of HIV infection, including (1) sexual assault of girls by family members, particularly the shocking and all too common practice of abuse of orphan girls by men who are their guardians, or by others who are charged to assist or look after them, including teachers, (2) abuse of girls, again often orphans, who are heads of household or otherwise desperately poor and have few options other than trading sex for their and their siblings' survival, and (3) abuse of girls who live on the street, of whom many are there because they are without parental care.
This is one story that can be multiplied over and over in every nation with AIDS orphans. You feel helpless when you read of the millions of orphans at risk, what can we do? St. Lucy worked tirelessly to help young girls in similar situations more than three hundred years ago! We, too, must continue her work. Pray, sacrifice, do whatever you can to make this world a better place.
God bless you.
p.s. for those new to linking, click the underlined words to go to the site of this information.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Dana Reeve's Death
How very sad it was to hear of the death of Christopher Reeve's wife Dana. How she cared for her husband so lovingly. My heart goes out to their only son, William. He's only 13 years old and now totally alone!
And as I was praying for him I realized he is just like these poor orphans in Ethiopia. Unlike these children he's got economical support, but he has lost those he loved the most. No amount of money can bring them back. Take a moment and pray for him and for all the children of the world that have lost their parents.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
18 million orphans in Africa by 2010
Don’t get scared but “ The worst is yet to come," warns a report issued by the UN Children's Fund. By 2010, there will be about 18 million orphans in Africa alone. The majority of these children will be between the ages of 10 and 16 and will be left without critical guidance, protection and support(like food and clothes and water!). The problem is overwhelming, the need is immense, but we can help them.
Three quarters of all CHH are led by girls. Pictured here is a CHH led by an 11 year old girl who is trying to raise her 2 younger sisters, her 2 younger brothers and go to school! There are usually three to eight children per household and these children try to stick together as much as possible.
What’s your opinion? Do these children have a right to support so they can remain in charge of their lives without fear of being split up or sent away?.
Many of you have asked how you might send money instead of socks or flip flops. We thank you for this most kind thought and "The Religious Teachers Filippini" promise that 100% of your gift will get to the children. Not many organizations can make that promise – and it is tax deductible!
Please make checks payable and mail to:
Religious Teachers Filippini Mission Fund
455 Western Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07960
Great book that gives you a real picture of how these children are living.
Children of AIDS : Africa's Orphan Crisis by Emma Guest
Thursday, March 02, 2006
What's in a Name?? CHH...Aids Orphans
Thanks for the great response for my sock request!!
Since the term Child Headed Household aka CHH might be new to some of you I'd thought I would speak of that today. Every 14 seconds a Child Headed Household is formed. But what exactly is a Child Headed Household?
Look to your right, and you see children who have survived the death of their parents from AIDS. A CHH is brothers and sisters under the age of 18 struggling to stay alive and remain together as a family. Not a new phenomenon to history, but in years previous most CHH came about because the parents had died from war. I won't bore you with statistics today but last year 43,000 new CHH were formed in Ethiopia! YIKES! ALL THOSE KIDS WITHOUT PARENTS!!
So since you are into feet...these kids could use some flip flops for the summer!!
God bless you all.