Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Even in the poorest parts of the world they know of basketball! How do such sweatshirts make their way to the remote corners of the earth? Many good people of the USA give their extra clothing to groups that collect for the poor. Here once a month a truck comes to this city and dumps a large mound of clothes. The children run out and you would think they would grab as many clothes as they could but no, they are quite clever. They pick through the pile and put on what they need, shirts, pants, jackets, one on top of the other. Then go home an deposit them in their one room homes. And wear as needed. You see you never wash your clothes in this part of the world, water is so scarce, you wear your clothes until they fall off!
Happy Spring! Next time you put on a clean clothes say a prayer for these children.
It's easy to help these children just call 973-538-2886 and say you would like to help the children of the missions of the Religious Teachers Filippini.