Saturday, May 10, 2008


The Day Momma Died!

Happy Mother’s Day to all!
Most of us had great mothers and we can understand what this little girl is going through. There is no sadder time in your life than when your mother dies, or perhaps the saddest moment is days later when you realize she really is gone and life will never be the same.

For the million of children today that are the orphans from AIDS there will be no Mother’s Day for them. Every 14 seconds new orphans are formed from the death of their parents. The family is the basic unit of society, and if we do not help the Child Headed Households* stay together society as we know it will disintegrate!

So what can you do for them? Pray. As Christians we take Mary the Mother as Jesus as our mother and believe she hears our prayers. It is the month of May, offer at least one Rosary for the children. And pray for those kids in Myanmar too!

Something else you might do! The prices of wheat, corn and rice have increased 66% this year. The World Bank believes it is affecting more than 100,000,000 people from having enough to eat. Most of these are children. This week Congress will begin discussing the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill. Just send a quick email asking your representative or senator to support the part of this bill that will help feed the poor. This site is an easy way to access them by your zip code.

I know this feels like work. One quick click! Do it for these kids that have no mothers to feed them.

Thanks so much for working so hard to save the orphans.
Be assured of my daily prayers for your own intentions.

God bless you.

*Child Headed Households are children of one family, all under the age of 18, trying to live together as a family.

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